Buxted club badge

Playing Arrangements

Casual bowling

Either on your own or with other members have fun practicing or playing a casual game. Rinks are available from 10am till dusk most days, when not booked for competitions, club matches or greenkeeping. On Mondays, availability is from 2.00pm to allow for greenkeeping.
On Friday evenings, we have an organised roll up, where members are drawn into teams, resulting in a good mix of new, and more experienced bowlers who can provide guidance where needed. This is normally followed by a BBQ.


Throughout the season we have a full programme of matches, against other Sussex clubs. The majority are played on midweek and weekend afternoons. These matches are a bit more competitive, but are enjoyed by newer as well as experienced bowlers, where you can share a drink and chat after the game with your opponents. We encourage all members to play friendly matches, as it’s an ideal way to improve your game in a relaxed way.

We also play against a number of Sussex County invitation teams. These are a bit more competitive, but still played in a friendly and sociable way, normally with a drink and meal after the game.

In complete contrast, during the winter, we play friendly afternoon away matches against a number of indoor bowls clubs in the area, which is always a test for lawn bowlers, but still enjoyable.


On Monday evenings, we play in the Nicholas Soames League which is a mixed Australian Pairs game for newer bowlers.

On Tuesday evenings we have teams in the 1st Division of the Mid-Sussex and John Spriggs Leagues, which are both mixed rinks for more experienced players.

Club Competitions

The Club organises numerous competitions for members, ranging from the Ladies' and Men's Singles to Pairs and Triples in various formats, including competitions specifically designed for new bowlers.  See our Competitions page for more details.

National and County Competitions

These competitions are for Men and Ladies, and members can enter either individually or as part of a team, on the County or Bowls England websites, usually by the end of January.

Our well prepared green and comprehensive club facilities mean that we are frequently asked to host inter county matches and competitions, which provide an opportunity to watch and learn from more experienced players in the area as they show their skills.

The social side

During the summer we run afternoon fun bowls events, like our Stag Trophy Competition and Flower Power fancy dress day, with a meal or cream tea afterwards. During the winter we hold a number of social events, including a Presentation Dinner with live music and Christmas Meal with entertainment.